In the game, players use a Slingshot to launch birds at pigs stationed on or withinVarious structures, with the intent of destroying all the pigs on the playing field. Asplayers advance through the game, new birds Appear, some with special Abilities Thatcan be activated by the player. Rovio Mobile has supported Angry Birds That withNumerous free updates add additional game content, and the company has evenreleased a stand-alone holiday and promotional versions of the game. The game is alsoavailable on webOS (hp) app store.
Angry Birds has been praised for its combination of addictive gameplay Successful,Comical style, and low price. Its popularity led to versions of Angry Birds being createdfor personal computers and gaming consoles, a market for merchandise featuring itscharacters and even long-term plans for a feature movie or television series. With acombined 700 million downloads across all platforms and Including both regular andspecial editions, the game has been called "one of the most mainstream games outright now", "one of the great runaway hits of 2010", and "the largest mobile app successthe world has seen so far ".
An angry bird collapses a structure onto Several pigs.In Angry Birds, the player controls a menagerie of multi-colored birds That are Attempting to retrieve eggs have been taken by That a group of hungry green pigs.On each level, the pigs are Sheltered by structures made of Various Such materials as wood, ice and stone, and the objective of the game is to Eliminate all the pigs on the level. Using a Slingshot, players launch the birds with the intent of either hitting the pigs directly or damaging the structures, Causing them to collapse and Eliminate the pigs. In Various stages of the game, additional objects Such as explosive crates and rocks are found in the structures, and may be used in conjunction with the birds to destroy hard-to-reach pigs.There are Several different types of birds used in the game. In the earliest levels, the basic red bird is the only one available. As the player advances through the game, additional types of birds Become available. Some birds are effective against particular materials, and some have special Abilities That may be activated by the player after the bird has been launched. For example, a yellow bird can increase of its
Senior game designer of Angry Birds Jaakko Iisalo at Game Design Expo 2011
Prior to this meeting we had set up strict criteria to determine which game we would go with, but we threw that out for the angry bird character.
–Mikael Hed, CEO of Rovio Mobile
When Rovio began writing new versions of the game for other devices, new issues came to light. As the team began working on a version for Android systems, they observed the large number of configurations of device types and versions of the Android software. The number of combinations of software version, processor speed and even user interfaces was significantly larger than that for the earlier iOS version.Ultimately, the team settled on a minimum set of requirements, even though that left nearly 30 types of Android phones unable to run the game, including some newly released phones. One month after the initial release on Android, Rovio Mobile began designing a simpler version of the game for these other devices.
In early 2010, Rovio began developing a variant of Angry Birds for Facebook. The project became one of the company's largest, with development taking over a year.The company understood the challenges of transplanting a game concept between social platforms and mobile/gaming systems. In a March 2011 interview, Rovio's Peter Vesterbacka said, "you can’t take an experience that works in one environment and one ecosystem and force-feed it onto another. It's like Zynga. They can’t just take FarmVille and throw it on mobile and see what sticks. The titles that have been successful for them on mobile are the ones they’ve built from the ground up for the platform.” The Facebook version was expected to incorporate social-gaming concepts and in-game purchases and was scheduled to enter beta-testing in April 2011; the game became officially available on Facebook in February 2012.
Future improvements planned for the game include the ability to synchronize the player's progress across multiple devices; for example, a player who completes a level on an iOS device could log into their copy of the game on an Android device and see the same statistics and level of progress.
The initial iOS version of the game included a single episode entitled "Poached Eggs", which contained three themed chapters, each with 21 levels. From time to time, Rovio has released free upgrades that include additional content, such as new levels, new in-game objects and even new birds. As updates have been released, they have been incorporated into the game's full version offered for download from each platform's application store.
In the analysis of the subject area, developers have decided that most people like birds and pigs do not like, and based on this assumption, the birds have chosen as protagonists and pigs as antagonists. However, not all such roles had to taste. .
The first update, released in February 2010, added a new episode called "Mighty Hoax", containing two new chapters with 21 levels each. Updates released in April 2010 added the "Golden Eggs" feature, which placed hidden golden eggs throughout the game that would unlock bonus content when found, and a new episode called "Danger Above", which initially contained a single chapter of 15 levels. Two later updates added two more chapters to "Danger Above", each with 15 levels. "The Big Setup" episode, released in June 2010, added a new chapter with 15 levels and additional Golden Egg levels. "The Big Setup" was later given two more chapters of 15 levels each.
A fifth episode, called "Ham 'Em High", launched in December 2010, in celebration of the game's first year in the iOS App Store. "Ham 'Em High" contained 15 Wild West-themed levels in a single chapter; updates in February 2011 and March 2011 each added one new 15-level chapter. "Ham 'Em High" also introduced the Mighty Eagle, a new bird that may be used once per hour to clear any uncompleted levels. The Mighty Eagle can also be used in previously completed levels, without the once-per-hour limit, to play a mini-game called "Total Destruction" in which the player attempts to destroy as much of the scenery as possible, both with the standard birds and the Mighty Eagle; achieving 100% destruction earns the player a Mighty Eagle feather for the level.
The Mighty Eagle is offered as a one-time, in-game purchase, and was initially only available for iOS, as its App Store customers have iTunes accounts with pre-linked credit cards. In late 2011, Rovio also added the Mighty Eagle to the Chrome App version of the game. Rovio has begun testing an Android update called the "Bad Piggy Bank" with the Elisa wireless service in Finland and T-Mobile, which allows users to charge in-app purchases, such as the Mighty Eagle, to their mobile phone bills; the service is expected to become available to other Android users in the second quarter of 2011.
The sixth episode, "Mine and Dine", was released on June 16, 2011 with 15 new mining-themed levels and a new Golden Egg.[31] An August 2011 update expanded "Mine and Dine" with two more 15-level chapters.
The seventh update, "Birdday Party", was released on December 11, 2011 to commemorate the second anniversary of the first release of the iOS version into the iTunes App Store. It included 15 new birthday cake-theme levels, as well as updated graphics and the addition of elements from the spin-off games, such as the scoring graphic seen in Angry Birds Rio and the introduction of the orange bird that first appeared in Angry Bird Seasons. The update was later released for Android and Microsoft Windows. The eighth update (as well as another update for Angry Birds Rio) was released initially to the iOS on March 20, 2012 in a lead-up to the release of Angry Birds Space. The new update included an animated tutorial, enhanced gameplay, all new UI graphics, and the first 15 levels of "Surf and Turf," the Angry Birds Facebook-exclusive episode (see below), with another 30 coming soon.
In February 2010, Angry Birds was a nominee for the "Best Casual Game" award at the 6th annual International Mobile Gaming Awards in Barcelona, Spain. In September 2010, IGN named Angry Birds as the fourth best iPhone game of all time. In April 2011, Angry Birds won both the "Best Game App" and "App of the Year" at the UK Appy Awards. At the 15th edition of the Webby Awards, Angry Birds was awarded "Best Game for Handheld Devices".
Angry Birds Seasons
In October 2010, Rovio released a special Halloween edition of game. Angry Birds Halloween, exclusive to iOS at the time and a separate application from the main game, included new levels with Halloween-themed music and graphics. In December 2010, Rovio released Angry Birds Seasons to iOS, Android and Symbian3 devices. Seasons introduced 25 Christmas-themed levels, one for each day leading to the holiday, similar to an Advent calendar. All versions include the previously-exclusive Halloween levels and are offered as separate, stand-alone paid applications, with t
Angry Birds Rio
Rovio launched Angry Birds Rio in March 2011. In this version, based on the 20th Century Fox animated film Rio, the Angry Birds characters appear in Rio de Janeiro and interact with characters from the film. Angry Birds Rio initially included two chapters including a warehouse chapter entitled "Smuggler's Den" and a jungle chapter entitled "Jungle Escape", but it has been updated with ad
Angry Birds Magic
A special version of the game, called Angry Birds Magic, will be developed exclusively for Nokia's NFC-enabled Symbian devices. This version of the game will include functionality that will unlock game levels upon contact with another NFC-enabled phone running the game. A free version of Angry Birds Magic came preinstalled with all NFC Symbian devices to be sold in 2011, starting with the Nokia C7.
A special version of the game, called Angry Birds Magic, will be developed exclusively for Nokia's NFC-enabled Symbian devices. This version of the game will include functionality that will unlock game levels upon contact with another NFC-enabled phone running the game. A free version of Angry Birds Magic came preinstalled with all NFC Symbian devices to be sold in 2011, starting with the Nokia C7.
Angry Birds Space
In February 2012, Rovio announced a new game in the Angry Birds franchise to be called Angry Birds Space. Angry Birds Space launched on March 22, 2012, and features elements from the preceding Angry Birds games as well as new gameplay mechanics. The game contains 60 initial levels with extra levels available as free updates and in-app purchases. Angry Birds Space launched on iOS, Android, PC, and Mac, with a Windows phone release to follow. For the launch of the game, Rovio partnered with wireless carrier T-Mobile to erect a 300-foot tall contraption, with a 35-foot tall red bird resting in it at the Seattle Space Needle to make it look like a giant slingshot.
Pettit demonstrates microgravity using characters from 'Angry Birds.'
On March 8, 2012, new footage of Angry Birds Space, presented by NASA astronaut Don Pettit onboard the International Space Station, was released. The video shows that the game's stage is no longer flat, instead comprising several different planets, each of which has its own gravitational field that affects the trajectory of the birds after launch.
NASA states that such collaboration with Rovio Mobile may share the excitement of space with the Angry Birds community, educate users on NASA’s programs, and create interactive educational experiences for the public.
The game also features new bird characters that carry their own unique abilities.As of March 26, 2012 Angry Birds Space has been downloaded a total of 10 million times since launching on iOS, Android, PC and Mac.
Golden eggs
definitely was looking for their golden eggs!!
angry birds original and angry birds RIO
Pause any level and press the “?” (help) button in the bottom left hand corner. The Golden Egg will be on the White Bird instruction screen. Note, you have to have unlocked the White Bird before the White Bird instruction screen will appear.
The Golden Egg is located on the right side off the screen directly above the rocket ship. If you zoom out and throw a Yellow Bird in that direction you’ll see it when the screen moves up a little. You can reach it with either a Yellow Bird or with the White Bird. If you opt to use the White Bird drop a bomb to the right of the wood sticking up on the first tower and the bird will take off and hit the Golden Egg (probably easier to use the yellow bird).
Just destroy the beach ball.
Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Poached Eggs.
On the main screen press the “i” (credits) button and watch the credits all the way to the end and the Golden Egg will appear under the White Bird.
Tap the treasure chest (I had to tap several times). Note PC & Mac users, to open the treasure chest depress the caps-lock then click and hold the left mouse button over the treasure chest and then type open .
Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Mighty Hoax.
On the episode select screen double-tap the sun below the levels (bottom center).
Zoom out and Golden Egg will be on top of the cliff on the right. Aim and hit it with the Yellow Bird.
Break yellow balloon under the treehouse. You can bounce the Yellow Bird off the tree or use the Boomerang Bird.
Once on the Danger Above level selection screen drag the screen to the left until you can’t go any further. You’ll see the Golden Egg hidden on the right past the last group of levels. PC/Mac users, you have to click inside the window and then drag.
Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Danger Above.
The Golden Egg is under the slingshot platform. To get it just bounce a Yellow Bird off the trampoline on the bottom right across from the Golden Egg or use Boomerang Bird.
Zoom out and if you look closely you’ll see the Golden Egg on the bottom right hiding under a hard hat. Use a Boomerang Bird to hit it.
Smash the duck underneath the bridge.
Zoom out to see the whole level and you’ll see the Golden Egg to the left below the slingshot. Hit it with the Boomerang Bird.
Obtain 3 stars on all levels of The Big Setup.
Destroy the trophy in the middle of the level that sits between the two piles of jewels. This one is not easy to get!
First zoom out. Now launch a white bird and at the right time tap the screen to launch him up in the air to hit the Golden Egg.
First zoom all the way out and you’ll see the Golden Egg on the top of the cliff to the far right. Launch a yellow bird at a high trajectory and tap him at just the right time to arch him up and over to the Golden Egg.
Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Ham ‘Em High, including all the three Facebook levels.
Zoom out then shoot a white bird backwards and drop an egg bomb on the back side of the hill. We were the first ones to find this secret Golden Egg. We have a much more detailed walkthrough and post about this level here.
Zoom out and you’ll see the Golden Egg sitting on top of ridge. Aim a yellow bird at a high trajectory (click for screenshot) and time the speed burst to get the Golden Egg. You can also get it with a white bird, though it might be a little trickier.
Zoom out and you’ll see the Golden Egg sitting on top of the cave on the right. You can use your first yellow bird to take out the stone structure above the slingshot. This makes for a slightly easier shot, but you don’t have to do this. Aim the second yellow bird and hit the speed burst at the right time to nail the Golden Egg. Timing is tricky, so it may take a couple times. When in doubt, just watch the video walkthrough.
Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Mine and Dine.
Zoom out and you’ll see a treasure chest sitting up high on top of the second rock ledge. Burn your red and white birds and then shoot a yellow bird at a very high arch so it clears the front ledge. Time the speed burst so it clears the first and second ledge and nicks the top left corner of the treasure chest.
Zoom out and you’ll see the Golden Egg sitting up on a ledge on the top right hand side of the level. Burn the Blue Birds and nail it with your Yellow Speedster.
angry birds season
Golden Egg #1 – Go to Level 13 and smash the wreath in the center that rests on top of two blocks of TNT.
Golden Egg #2 - The second Golden Egg level is unlocked after you 3 star all 25 levels. Once you’ve accomplished that tap the Big Present in the middle of the screen.
Golden Egg #3 – Go to Level 3-2 and break the floating pumpkin with the Boomerang Bird
Golden Egg #4 – The Big Pumpkin level is considered Golden Egg #4, which is unlocked by getting 3-stars on all the levels.
Golden Egg #5 – On Level 7 zoom out and you’ll see there is a Golden Egg below the bird platform. You can get it by launching a White bird backwards and dropping the egg bomb so it lands right next to the egg.
Golden Egg #6 - The second Golden Egg level is unlocked after you 3 star all 18 levels. Once you’ve accomplished that tap the Big Heart in the middle of the screen.
Golden Egg #7 – On Level 8 zoom out and you’ll see there is an arrow pointing up to a platform. There is a Golden Egg on this platform that you can get it by launching a Yellow at just the right angle.
Golden Egg #8 - The Pot ‘O Gold level is unlocked after you 3 star all levels. Once you’ve accomplished that tap the Pot O’ Gold in the middle of the screen to open up the level.
#9 – “Big Egg”: Obtain 3 stars on all levels of Easter Eggs!
#10 – Level 1-2: The Golden Egg is in the patch of grass closest to the slingshot.
#11 – Level 1-6: Zoom out. The Golden Eggs is on top of the hill on the far right side of the screen. Fling a yellow bird at just the right angle then hit a speed burst to hit the Golden Egg.
#12 – Level 1-7: Use the white bird to drop an egg bomb right in front of the concrete blocks behind the slingshot. You can get this Golden Egg in one shot, but sometimes if it may just break the concrete blocks and reveal the Golden Egg. In this case, just use the second white bird to get the egg.
#13 – Level 1-8: Reveal the Golden Egg by hitting the TNT under the slingshot. You can do this by bouncing a red bird off the checkered wall directly under the first concrete block. Now bust that Golden Egg!
#14 – Level 1-9: Fling a bird backwards towards the bottom left part of the level (off the screen). After you hear an explosion, you’ll see the Golden Egg appear on the far right hand side of the level. Be sure to zoom out.
#15 – Level 1-12: Using the green bird destroy the donut on the right side of the screen. The Golden Egg will then drop down and start swinging back and forth. With some luck and good aim use one of the remaining birds to hit the Golden Egg. I actually found it easier to hit it on it’s way back (swinging from left to right). To each his own though.
#16 – Level 1-15: This one requires three steps and is probably the most difficult to obtain. First, you have to break the patch of grass behind the slingshot. After you do a round block of wood will appear on the ground in front of the slingshot. Bust that piece wood and the Golden Egg will drop down and start swinging around. Now you have two chances to hit the Golden Egg. Good luck!
#17 – Level 1-4: The Golden Egg is in the grass patch closest the slingshot at the foot of the hill.
#18 – Level 1-10: Break the patch of grass beneath the slingshot (the one on the side of the hill). The egg will swing down from the top of the screen.
#19 – Level 1-16: Flashback! Break the four-leaf clover that sits to the left of the slingshot and it will trigger the block underneath the Golden Egg.
Golden Egg #20 – Unlocked when you achieve 3 stars on all levels of Summer Pignic. Once you complete the level don’t forget to tap the picnic basket on the congratulations screen for a secret surprise video starring the Boomerang Bird.
Golden Egg #22 – The Golden Egg is hidden behind the slingshot platform on level 1-3. You’ll need to fling the white bird backwards and drop an egg bomb on the grass directly behind the platform. You have to hit it just right for it to pop up, so if you don’t do it the first time try again.
The mooncake is in the bottom-right of the level. Use a couple Black Birds to clear the highest stone structures. A high-arcing shot after the path is clear can land a Black Bird next to the mooncake, but you probably need to trigger the explosion manually.
Golden Mooncake #2 Level 1-5
The mooncake will appear behind the slingshot. Use any bird to explode the TNT in front of the slingshot to reveal it. Then softly roll a bird off the back of the slingshot platform.
Golden Mooncake #3 Level 1-9
Hit the patch of grass under the slingshot platform. The mooncake will appear just left of the pigs structure.
Golden Mooncake #4 Level 1-15
Hit the patch of grass immediately in front of the slingshot. The mooncake will appear in the left side of the trench to the left of the structure. Use any bird to reach it.
Golden Mooncake #5 Level 2-2
The mooncake is hidden in the patch of grass immediately in front of the slingshot.
Golden Mooncake #6 Level 2-5
The mooncake is hidden under the footbridge immediately in front of the slingshot. Drop an egg from the White Bird to reach it.
Golden Mooncake #7 Level 2-12
The mooncake is hidden between the two slingshot platforms. Fire a Blue Bird into the gap to reach it.
Golden Mooncake #8 Level 2-14
Destroy the stone and wood block immediately in front of the slingshot, which can takes 2 or 3 direct hits. Once destroyed the mooncake will then appear behind the slingshot. Very slowly roll a bird off the back of the platform to reach it.
Golden Egg #26 – Level 2-2 zoom out and you’ll see the Golden Egg sitting on a ledge in the top right hand corner of the screen. Notice in the screenshot below that there is no bird that can reach the ledge, but there is a pile of pumpkins and boulders in middle of the pigs’ structure. The best bet is to place a bomb bird at the bottom left of this pile so that the pumpkins and boulders fly up and to the right towards the Golden Egg. It takes some luck, but you should be able to get it after a few tries.
Golden Egg #28 – Level 1-15: Zoom out and you’ll see a Golden Egg encased in ice sitting on a ledge in the top right hand corner of the screen. Just waste Big Brother and aim a Yellow bird up there to nail it. If the force of the impact doesn’t break the ice then its fall back to Earth should (this is Earth right?), so be patient. Good Luck!
Golden Egg #29 – New Year’s Egg: This Egg unlocks automatically at 8AM UTC on 31 December. This is the first time a Golden Egg is simply unlocked and not obtained.
Golden Egg #32 – Big Fan is unlocked after you 3-star all levels. Once you’ve accomplished this goal tap fan in the middle of the screen to open up the level.
Golden Egg #33 – Level 1-15 has the Golden Egg in the extreme top-right of the level. Launch a Black bird into the upper-pair of TNT to send stones flying toward the Egg. It will likely take you several tries to nail it.
angry birds space
Zoom out to see the Golden Eggsteroid hidden in the brush below the two bubbled-pigs. Fire any of the Blue birds to reach it. This Eggsteroid level pays homage to Space Invaders (1978).
The Golden Eggsteroid is hidden in the tall brush atop the planet. Fire a Lazer bird above it, then redirect him into the Eggsteroid. This Eggsteroid level pays homage to Super Mario (1985).
Zoom out to see the Golden Eggsteroid in the brush on the planet below the slingshot platform. Launch the Lazer bird backwards, then redirect him into the Eggsteroid. This Eggsteroid level pays homage to Breakout (1976).
Zoom out to see the Golden Eggsteroid on the underside of the slingshot platform. Launch the Lazer bird downward to get a good angle, then redirect him into the Eggsteroid. This Eggsteroid level pays homage to Bubble Bobble (1986).
Eggsteroid #5 Cold Cuts Level 2-28
The Golden Eggsteroid is concealed under the snow pile, though the concealing is sort of undone by the large flashing arrow pointing at it. Launch any bird head-on into the snow pile to obtain the Eggsteriod. This Eggsteroid level pays homage to Star Castle (1980).
Samsung Galaxy Bonus Eggsteroid
Galaxy Note was an Angry Birds Space launch partner and as such Samsung users got access to a bonus Golden Eggsteroid. It looks like it is labeled “E-6″, but for now we will neglect that numbering as only Eggsteroids available to everyone should be sequential. Anyhow, this bonus level should be unlocked by default.
take them all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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